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July 17, 2023
PGI employees took part in the scientific conference “Problems of Cosmophysics”

From July 10 to 13, 2023, a scientific conference “Problems of Cosmophysics” named after Mikhail Igorevich Panasyuk, an outstanding Russian scientist, was held at the branch of the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University (Dubna).

The staff of the Polar Geophysical Institute, Ph.D. Demekhov A.G., Ph.D. Belakhovsky V.B., Ph.D. Yakhnina A.G., Ph.D. Despirak I.V., Ph.D. Lyubchich A.A., Popova T.A. presented at the conference oral and poster presentations.

The conference addressed issues related to solar activity, mechanisms of solar-terrestrial relations, dynamic processes in the solar wind and near-Earth space.