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October 7, 2019
Participation in ICS-14

Director of the PGI, Kozelov B.V. and researcher V.B. Belakhovsky took part in the 14th International Conference on Substorms, which took place in Tromsø (Norway) from September 30 to October 4. They presented oral reports:

B. V. Kozelov and T.V.Kozelova. Dynamics of near-earth plasma sheet and run-up to the substorm breakup: satellite and ground-based manifestations (invited).

A. Petrukovich, B. Kozelov, T. Podladchikova, I. Uvarov, O. Nikiforov. Monitoring and Forecasting of Space Weather in the Polar Region with use of the “Aurora Arctic” GIS.

V.B. Belakhovsky, V.A. Pilipenko, Ya.A. Sakharov, O.V. Kozyreva, V.N. Selivanov. The substorm influence on geomagnetically induced currents registered at electric power lines.

The conference was attended by about 50 scientists from different countries, including Russia, USA, China, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Chile, Peru and others. The conference was supported by the Research Council of Norway.