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HF-interferometer facility

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Function: investigation of spatial characteristics of the ionospheric stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) under modification of the ionosphere by powerful HF radiation.

Radio interferometer facility includes a four channel analog-numerical radio receiver, which provides receiving and transformation to the intermediate frequency of radio signals in the frequency range 1.5 – 32 MHz, a set of antennas, a computer with a monitor of signal digital processing, an outward generator of the clock frequency for the analog-numerical transformer, and a computer, controlling the radio receiver. The HF-interferometer facility of PGI KSC RAS was utilized for detection of SEE parameters during operation of the heating facilities “Sura” (Nizhni Novgorod region), EISCAT (near Tromso, Norway), and SPEAR (Spitsbergen archipelago).

Unit of unnormalized cross-coherence. Response of the rejector filters (top); measured signal (bottom)
Relative position of receiving antennas of the HF-interferometer facility (left) and the angle between the ray of the heating wave and tangent to the geomagnetic field lines (right). The calculated location of the source of DP-component of the spectrum of the ionospheric stimulated electromagnetic emission.