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Partial reflection facility

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Radio physical range in Tumannyi, Murmansk region (69.0°N, 35.7°E)
Antenna array of PGI radar
Antenna system configuration and directional pattern.
Radar basic technical parameters:
  • Peak power is 60 kW
  • Pulse duration is 15 μs
  • Pulse repetition rate (ordinary and extra-ordinary waves) is 1 Hz
  • Time delay between the waves pulses is 275 ms
  • Receiver sensitivity is 0.5 μV
  • Pass band is 40 kHz
  • Height coverage is 30-280 km
  • Range of registration is any range within the height coverage
  • Interrogation step is 1.5 km
The first participants of pulse signal phase measurements by the method of partial reflections were Vasiljeva M.N., Vasiljev E.B., Vasiljev S.E., Tereshchenko V.D., Poltev E.K., and Potaralov V.A. (the driver).
The first (produced in Russia) riometer is of the age of PGI (50 years). It is still successfully operating on the radio physical range.