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Laboratory of Computational Experiments

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Head of laboratory: Victor S. Mingalev (doctor of physics & mathematics, professor).

Main scientific purpose

Study of the irregular structure and physical processes occurring in the Earth’s atmosphere and near-Earth space, using mathematical models

Principal tasks

  • Numerical study of the mechanisms responsible for the formation of cyclones and anticyclones in the lower Earth`s atmosphere
  • Study by the method of mathematical modeling of the formation of a global system of neutral wind in the Earth’s atmosphere in various geophysical conditions
  • Numerical modeling of the propagation of electromagnetic signals and radio waves in near-earth space

Mathematical models developed and utilized

  • A mathematical model of the global neutral wind system of the Earth’s atmosphere, which produces 3D planetary distributions of the zonal, meridional, and vertical components of the neutral wind velocity and neutral gas density at the levels of the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere, the global temperature field being the input of the model.
  • A regional version of the above model, which additionally produces the neutral gas temperature in the altitude range from 0 to 15 km over limited regions of the Earth’s surface
  • A mathematical model of the convecting high-latitude ionosphere which produces 3D distributions of the electron density, positive ion velocity and electron and ion temperatures at the F-layer altitudes
  • A version of the model of the convecting F-layer ionosphere, which can be modified by high-power HF radio waves

Current research of the laboratory of computational experiments


  • The influence of the horizontal non-uniformity of the neutral gas temperature on the global atmosphere circulation under different geophysical conditions.
  • Investigation of the initial stage of the formation of cyclones in the lower atmosphere
  • Effects of various physical processes on the spatial structure of the high-latitude F-region ionosphere
  • The dynamics of irregularities produced by high-power HF radio waves pumped into the F-region ionosphere

Scientific relations

Over the last years the lab of computational experiments has been conducting joint researches with the following Institutes and Universities:

  • Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz
  • Institute of Automated Design of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Moscow State University, Moscow
  • University of Aerospace Instrumentations, St. Petersburg

The lab of computational experiments takes part in the basic research program “Environment in changeable climate conditions: extreme natural phenomena and catastrophes” of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The scientific researchers of the lab participate in the program “Plasma processes in the solar system” of the Division Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Future plans

  • Improvement of the developed mathematical models by applying new numerical methods
  • Adaptation of the existing mathematical model of the Earth’s atmosphere for numerical simulation of global circulations of atmospheres of other planetary bodies
  • Application of the developed numerical models to simulations of the irregular structure and dynamics of the atmosphere and ionosphere of the Earth

Main publications

Mingalev I.V., Rodin A.V., Orlov K.G. Numerical simulations of the global circulation of the atmosphere of Venus: Effects of surface relief and solar radiation heating // Solar System Research. V. 49, № 1. P. 24-42. 2015. DOI: 10.1134/s0038094614060057

Mingalev O.V., Melnik M.N., Mingalev V.S. (2016) A simulation study of the effect of powerful high-frequency radio waves on the behavior of super-small-scale irregularities in the F-layer ionospheric plasma // World Journal of Research and Review. V.3. No.5. P.01-09

Mingalev I.V., Orlov K.G., Mingalev V.S. (2016) A computational study of the effect of geomagnetic activity on the planetary circulation of the Earth’s atmosphere // Journal of Advances in Physics. V.12. No.4. P.4451-4459

Mingalev I.V., Orlov K.G., Mingalev V.S. (2017) Numerical Modeling of the Influence of the Relief of a Planet on the Global Circulation of the Earth’s Stratosphere and Mesosphere // Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 7, 496-510. https://doi.org/10.4236/acs.2017.74036

Mingalev O.V., Melnik M.N., Mingalev V.S. (2017) Numerical Detailing of the Mechanism Responsible for Artificial Heating of the Ionosphere by Powerful High Frequency Radio Waves // Physical Science International Journal. 16(1): 1-10, Article no.PSIJ.36043

Chetverushkin B.N., Mingalev I.V., Orlov K.G., Chechetkin V.M., Mingalev V.S., Mingalev O.V. Gasdynamic general circulation model of the lower and middle atmosphere of the Earth // Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, V. 29, № 8, P. 59–73, 2017

Mingalev I.V., Fedotova E.A., Orlov K.G. The effect of optically thick cloud layers on heating of the atmosphere self emission at mid-latitudes // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa. V. 14(5). P. 259-267. 2017. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-5-259-267

Mingalev I.V., Fedotova E.A., Orlov K.G. Construction of the parameterization of the molecular absorption in the lower and middle atmosphere of the Earth in the infrared range // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. № 10, 2018. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181001

Мингалев И.В., Мингалев О.В., Ахметов О.И., Суворова З.В. Явная схема расщепления для уравнений Максвелла // Математическое моделирование. – 2018. Т. 30, № 12. С.17-38

Мингалев О.В., Хабарова О.В., Малова Х.В., Мингалев И.В., Кислов Р.А., Мельник М.Н., Сецко П.В., Зеленый Л.М., Zank G.P. Моделирование ускорения протонов в магнитном острове в складке гелиосферного токового слоя // Астрономический вестник. – 2019. Т. 53, № 1. С. 34–60

Mingalev I.V., Rodin A.V., Orlov K.G. Numerical Modeling of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere of Titan at Equinox // Solar System Research, Vol. 53(4), P. 278–293, 2019. DOI: 10.1134/s0038094619040051

Mingalev, I.V., Orlov, K.G., Mingalev, V.S. Results of Numerical Modeling of the Origin of Cyclones and Anticyclones in the Vicinity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone // Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, – 2019. V.9. P. 213-228. https://doi.org/10.4236/acs.2019.92015

Chetverushkin B.N., Mingalev I.V., Fedotova E.A., Orlov K.G., Chechetkin V.M., Mingalev V.S. The calculation of the intrinsic radiation of atmosphere in the general circulation model of the lower and middle atmosphere of the Earth // Matem. Mod., 32:2 (2020), 77–100. DOI: 10.20948/mm-2020-02-05

Chetverushkin B.N., Mingalev I.V., Chechetkin V.M., Orlov K.G., Fedotova E.A., Mingalev V.S., Mingalev O.V. Global circulation models of the Earth atmosphere. Achievements and directions of development // Matem. Mod., 32:11 (2020), 29–46. DOI: 10.20948/mm-2020-11-03