Magnetic field sensors
эта страница также доступна на русском языке посмотреть на русском языкеThe following equipment is utilized for electromagnetic sounding of the crust in the frequency range 0.1 – 200 Hz.
- Stationary equipment (sampling rate is 5 kHz)
- Lovozero observatory: Three-component sensor of the magnetic field, two-component sensor of the electric field
- Barentsburg observatory: Three-component sensor of the magnetic field, two-component sensor of the electric field
- Mobile equipment
- Three-component mobile equipment (car-mounted) for the field measurements of the magnetic field, with a precise universal time reference (sampling rate is 500 Hz)
- Two three-component magnetic field sensors (sampling rate is 5 kHz)
- Two submersible sets of equipment for electromagnetic measurements in the sea (the depth down to 400 m). Each set is designed for synchronous measurements of three components of the electric field and three components of the magnetic field in the frequency range 0.1–200 Hz.
The set for magnetic measurements includes a three-component induction magnetometer, a GPS receiver for precise UT reference, a system of data detecting and collecting (the sampling frequency is 5 kHz) on the PC.

- 1 – receiver
- 2 – computer, controlling the system of data detecting and collecting
- 3 – GLONASS/GPS antenna
- 4 – magneto-inductive sensor, Hwest-east horizontal component
- 5 – magneto-inductive sensor, Hnorth-south horizontal component
- 6 – magneto-inductive sensor, Hz vertical component
- 7 – splitting block
- 8, 9, 10 – assembly of interface cables