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September 12, 2022
PGI staff took part in the International Baikal School of Fundamental Physics

The staff of the PSU, Junior researcher Pavel V. Setsko and Junior Researcher Evgeny A. Maurchev, PhD, took part in the International Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (BSFF) and the XVII Conference of Young scientists “Interaction of Fields and Radiation with Matter”, held on September 5-10, 2022 in Irkutsk.

The following reports were presented at the conference by the staff of PGI:

- Setsko P.V., Mingalev O.V., Artemyev A.V., Melnik M.N. Modeling of parameters of thin current layers in the near tail of the Earth and Jupiter magnetospheres,

- Setsko P.V., Despirak I.V., Sakharov Ya.A., Bilin V.A., Selivanov V.N. Geoinduced currents during supersubbursts in September 2017,

- Maurchev E.A., Germanenko A.V., Balabin Yu.V., Mikhalko E.A., Gvozdevsky B.V. Numerical and experimental methods for studying cosmic rays in the Earth’s atmosphere,

Pavel V. Setsko’s report “Modeling of parameters of thin current layers in the near tail of the magnetospheres of the Earth and Jupiter” was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree in the competition of reports of young scientists.