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October 27, 2023
An employee of the PGI took part in the 15th International conference on substorms, held in China

Irina Vadimovna, Senior Researcher at PGI Despirak, took part in the 15th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-15), which was held from October 15 to 20, 2023 in Deqing (Zhejiang Province, China) China Space Research Society.

The International Subburst Conference (ICS) is a series of conferences dedicated to auroral and magnetospheric subbursts. The purpose of the conference is to bring together scientists from the magnetospheric, ionospheric and planetary communities to review discoveries in the light of recent space missions and numerical modeling, as well as to discuss the current state and future direction of research of substorms. The topics of this conference include the processes related to sub-storms in the tail of the magnetosphere, the interaction of the magnetosphere and ionosphere, the role of waves and instabilities in sub-storms, the consequences of sub-storms, the relationship of storms and sub-storms, sub-storm-like processes in other planetary systems and any other topics related to sub-storms.

Irina Vadimovna made an oral presentation at the conference

Despirak I.V., Kleimenova N.G., Malysheva L.M., Gromova L.I., Lubchich A.A., Roldugin A.V. “The features of substorms on the contracted auroral oval”,

She also discussed the presented report and joint work with foreign colleagues – Rajkumar Haira (India), David Sibeck (USA), Xuzhi Zhou, Desheng Han (China).

In addition to the scientific program, an excursion was organized: The conference participants visited the ancient Xinshi Water Town, which has a 1000-year history, and the picturesque Xiazhu lake, the largest ecological wetland in the province.

Conference website