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May 15, 2018
In Murmansk, the scientific conference “Problems of the Arctic Region” has already been held for the 17th time

In Murmansk the 17th International scientific conference of students and post-graduate students “Problems of the Arctic region” was devoted to the consideration of all aspects of development of the Arctic region: natural, ecological, technical, economic and humanitarian. The conference has worked on the sections “Biology and medicine”, “Geology and geophysics of the Arctic region”, “Hydrobiology”, “Humanitarian and social problems”, “Information technologies and mathematical methods”, “Marine biology”, “Problems of education in the Arctic region” , “Physical problems”, “Chemical and technological problems”, “Ecology of the North”, “Economic problems of development of the Arctic”.


The Polar Geophysical Institute, the Murmansk Arctic State University, the Murmansk State Technical University, the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS again gathered the future of Russian science – students and graduate students of the Kola Peninsula, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk and Yakutia – on one platform. It was fundamental and applied science of the widest range, the main task of it is the preparation of young cadres for the universities, scientific institutes and industry of the country, in this case for the Murmansk region.


Director of the Polar Geophysical Institute, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Boris Kozelov summarized: “Like any scientific organization, like any other organization, we are interested in a change of generations, we need young people who would work in our organizations. Not only in our institute, but in related institutions. “


Reporting on the conferences:


