November 27, 2019
PGI employees took part in the 16th European conference “Space weather week”
PGI employees, Ph.D. Belakhovsky V.B., Ph.D. Balabin Yu.V. took part in the 16th European conference “Space weather week”, which was held from November 18 to 22, 2019 in Liege (Belgium). The conference was attended by over 400 people from 39 countries.
PGI employees presented the reports:
V.B. Belakhovsky, Y. Jin, W.J. Miloch, A.V. Koustov, A. Reimer. Influence of the substorm precipitations and polar cap patches on the GPS signals at high latitudes.
Balabin Yury, Mikhalko Evgenia, Gvozdevsky Boris, Maurchev Evgeny, Germanenko Aleksey. Mobile complex for registration of some components of SCR.