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July 29, 2021
About centralized subscription to scientific information resources

As part of the national subscription, which was held in July 2021, PGI employees have access to the following information resources:

1. Elsevier Publishing Corporation Scopus database.
Scopus is a bibliographic and abstract database and citation tracking tool for articles published in scientific journals. The database indexes scientific journals, conference proceedings and serial books.
Description and links to lists of sources indexed in Scopus.

2. Freedom Collection database of Elsevier Publishing Corporation.
The Freedom Collection is a full-text collection of ezines and books covering a variety of disciplines.
A complete list of journals is available on the publisher’s website.

3. Orbit Premium edition database by Questel SAS.
Orbit Premium edition is a patent search database that brings together information on more than 122 million patent publications obtained from 111 local, regional and international patent offices, including RosPatent, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the European Patent Organization.
Detailed information about the general database and each collection.
User manual and video tutorials (in English).

4. Collection of journals and databases published by Springer Nature.
The magazine portfolio of the publishing house includes more than 3000 titles, covering all branches of modern science and medicine.
Available resources:
- Springer Journals – full-text collections of Springer electronic journals in various fields of knowledge on the SpringerLink platform.
- Nature Journals – full-text collections of Nature Publishing Group journals – collections of Nature journals, Academic journals, Scientific American, Palgrave Macmillan on the Nature platform.

Up-to-date information about subscriptions PGI is placed in the employee’s profile in the KIAS RFBR system (the “My subscription” tab), since Since 2020, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) has been acting as an operator of national and centralized subscription to scientific information resources.