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February 13, 2024
PGI staff took part in the 19th annual conference “Plasma Physics in the Solar System”

Employees of the Polar Geophysical Institute took part in the 19th annual conference “Plasma Physics in the solar system”, held on February 5-9, 2024 at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).

The conference presented the latest results of theoretical and experimental studies of processes in space plasma – on the Sun, in the solar wind, in the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth and other planets of the solar system, including problems of space weather forecasting, wave processes in space plasma, current layers. The format of the conference is mixed – face-to-face and online.

In total, 360 reports (274 oral and 86 poster) were announced at the conference, which were reported within the framework of eight thematic sections: theory and observations of the Sun, solar wind and heliosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere, the impact of space factors on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate, space weather forecast and applied physics of the magnetosphere and ionosphere, wave phenomena in cosmic plasma, theory and observation of current layers. According to a preliminary agreement with the editorial offices of the journals “Space Research”, “Geomagnetism and Aeronomy” and “Solar-Terrestrial Physics”, the articles prepared based on the materials of the reports at the conference will be considered as a priority for publication in 2024.

The staff of the PGI presented 23 oral and poster reports.

During the presentations, an online broadcast was conducted, the recordings can be found at link.