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May 21, 2024
The XXI International Scientific Conference of students and postgraduates “Problems of the Arctic region” was held in Murmansk

On May 15, 2024, Murmansk hosted the XXI International Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Problems of the Arctic Region” (2021-2024), dedicated to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The conference was organized by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Polar Geophysical Institute”, the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, the Federal Research Center “Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Murmansk Arctic University” and the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The conference considered all aspects of the development of the Arctic region: natural science, environmental, technical, economic and humanitarian. The conference worked in the sections “Arctic Hydrobiology and Ichthyology”, “Biology and Medicine”, “Bioresources and aquaculture”, “Geology and Geophysics of the Arctic region”, “Humanitarian and social problems”, “Information Technologies and mathematical methods”, “Problems of education in the Arctic region”, “Physical problems”, “Chemical and technological problems”, “Ecology of the North”, “Economic problems of Arctic development”.

By the beginning of the conference, 55 reports had been announced. The abstracts are combined in collection and published in KSC. In total, 135 people from 18 scientific and educational organizations took part in the conference. The heads of the conference sections noted the most interesting reports. The authors of these works have been awarded diplomas.

According to the results of the XXI International Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Problems of the Arctic region”, the interest of students in presenting the results of their work should be noted. The publication of the proceedings of the XXI International Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Problems of the Arctic region” is planned.