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June 18, 2024
A two-day meeting of the BRICS working group on Oceanology, Polar Sciences and technologies was held in Murmansk

On June 13-14, Murmansk hosted a two-day meeting of THE BRICS WORKING group ON Oceanology, polar science AND Technology (THE BRICS WORKING GROUP ON OCEAN AND POLAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY), which was attended by scientists from India, Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, the UAE and South Africa.

The meeting of the Working Group was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region with the support of the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The event was covered by GTRK “Murman”.

The calendar of events that accompany the year of Russia’s BRICS presidency is quite extensive and includes more than 20 scientific events. It is incredibly valuable that Murmansk was chosen as the venue for the 6th meeting of the working group. This not only provided a unique opportunity for the local scientific community to present the results of their research in the field of polar sciences, but also became an excellent chance to find partners for future joint projects.

The Murmansk region was presented by researchers from MMBI, PGI, the Polar Branch of VNIRO, KSC RAS, the Kola Branch of the Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The event was attended by Sakharov Yaroslav Alekseevich, Fedorenko Yuri Valentinovich, Belakhovsky Vladimir Borisovich, Skiotis Elena Ionasovna. In his speech, Vladimir Borisovich presented the main scientific achievements of the PGI scientists, emphasizing the uniqueness of the research carried out by the institute’s staff.

In conclusion, all participants of the event noted that meetings of the scientific community in such a format are a great opportunity to create a space for constant trusting communication and solving fundamental scientific problems.

Recordings of the broadcast of the meeting are available: day 1, day 2.

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