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March 29, 2018
Scientific conference and a school of young scientists «Atmospheres of planets: from the terrestrial group to exoplanets»

Scientific conference and a school of young scientists «Atmospheres of planets: from the terrestrial group to exoplanets»

March 26-28, 2018 in the city of Apatity in the Polar Geophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences was held a scientific conference and a school of young scientists “Atmospheres of planets: from the terrestrial group to exoplanets”. The conference is organized with the participation of Polar Geophysical institute, the laboratory “Atmospheres of the terrestrial planets and exoplanets” of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the laboratory of applied infrared spectroscopy at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Russian science foundation (project №17-12-01458).


About 40 people took part in the conference (including 32 from other Russian cities, of which 27 are young scientists).

The conference is devoted to the study of the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets: Earth, Venus, Mars from modern physical processes from the troposphere to the exosphere of the Earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn’s satellite Titan, polar processes in the atmospheres. The conference discussed both experimental methods of remote study of atmospheric physical processes, as well as the latest observational data of the planets of the solar system, results and methods of numerical modeling of atmospheric dynamics. A special place was given to modern achievements in the field of exoplanet research, the prospects for the development of methods for detecting earth-like planets outside the solar system.