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Отправленные абстракты

Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms
Fields, Currents, Particles in the Magnetosphere
Waves, Wave-Particle Interaction
The Sun, Solar Wind, Cosmic Rays
Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere
Low Atmosphere, Ozone
10 last submitted abstracts

D. G. Sibeck
The role of the foreshock in the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction
A.R. Ivanova, V.V. Kalegaev, N.A. Vlasova, D.S. Gruzdov, A.G. Demekhov, T.A. Yahnina
Energetic electron precipitation of different mechanisms from the outer radiation belt during geomagnetic disturbances: intensity dynamics and spectral features
Suvorova A.V.
Analysis of energetic particle data from the NOAA/POES and MetOP satellites at low latitudes during the last three solar cycles
A. A. Chibranov, A. G. Berezutskiy, A. V. Divin, Yu. P Zakharov, I. B. Miroshnichenko, I. P. Paramonik, V. G. Posukh, M. A. Rumenskikh, I. F. Shaikhislamov, A. E. Dolgov, A. E. Ivanov, M. V. Loginov
Fast collapse of a diamagnetic cavity and the Hall effect during the expansion of a cloud of laser plasma into a magnetized background plasma
Vorobjev V.G., Yagodkina O.I., Antonova E.E., Kirpichev I.P.
Latitudinal distribution of nighttime auroral precipitation during magnetic calm and near the time of substorm onset
D.V. Chugunin, G.A. Kotova, M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko
Longitudinal dependence of the plasma density in the plasmasphere according satellite measurements
I.L. Ovchinnikov, D.Yu. Naiko, E.E. Antonova
Spectra of fluctuations of hydrodynamic velocities in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail by MMS data
О.В. Мингалев, В.Г. Воробьев, О.И. Ягодкина, М.Н. Мельник
A.S. Lavrukhin, E.S. Belenkaya, I.I. Alexeev
Electric field and FACs in the spherical magnetosphere model of a planet
Vorobjev V.G., Yagodkina O.I.
Auroral precipitation model and its application to the ionosphere studying under different magnetic activity levels
I.I. Alexeev, A.S. Lavrukhin, D.V. Nevsky
What conclusions about the dynamics of the magnetosphere can be drawn after analyzing the data from the MESSENGER spacecraft obtained in 2011-2015 in the vicinity of Mercury?
Пархомов В.А., Довбня Б.В., Еселевич В.Г., Родионов А.В.
Широтно-долготные закономерности магнитосферного отклика на взаимодействие с диамагнитной структурой солнечного ветра в геомагнитных пульсациях типа Рс1s
D.Yu. Naiko, I.L. Ovchinnikov, E.E.& Antonova
Spatial distribution of the turbulent diffusion coefficient in the cross section of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail by MMS data
А. В. Дивин, Я. Дека, И. П. Парамоник, В. С. Семенов
Формирование нетепловых популяций электронов в атмосфере слабых комет
Belakhovsky V.B.
The growth of the relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt according to Arctica-M satellite data (No. 1) during magnetic storms in October, November 2021
I.B. Ievenko, S.G. Parnikov
Dynamics of the proton aurora during a magnetic storm on December 1, 2023. Ground-based and satellite observations
Парамоник И.П., Дивин А.В., Чибранов А.А., Руменских М.С., Шайхисламов И.Ф., Семенов В.С.
Изучение азимутального движения частиц разных сортов и магнитных полей в численном моделировании диамагнитной каверны.
G.I. Antonyuk, V.V. Benghin, E.E. Antonova, I.A. Zolotarev
Characteristics of SCR particle fluxes during the enhanced geomagnetic activity in February-March 2023 based on data from the Monitor-1 satellite
V.V.Kalegaev, G.A.Basilevskaya, N.A.Vlasova, D.V.Grankin, D.S.Gruzdov, A.G.Demekhov, A.R.Ivanova, K.B.Kaportseva, I.A.Mironova, I.N.Myagkova, T.A.Popova, E.V.Rosanov, Yu.S.Shugay, T.A.Yahnina
Precipitation of energetic electrons from the Earth's outer radiation belt during period of prolonged auroral activity on 10-16.10.2017
Polar Geophysical Institute RAS
184209 Apatity Murmansk region
Akademgorodok 26a
Program committee:
Dr. I.V. Mingalev (Chairman, PGI, Apatity)
Dr. A.A. Lubchich (V.C., PGI, Apatity)
Dr. B.V. Kozelov (PGI, Apatity)
Dr. A.G. Demekhov (IAP RAS/PGI, Nizhny Novgorod/Apatity)
Dr. I.I. Alexeev (SINP MSU, Moscow)
Dr. V.V. Kalegaev (SINP MSU, Moscow)
Dr. M.V. Klimenko (West Department of IZMIRAN RAS, Kaliningrad)
Dr. V.V. Mishin (ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk)
Dr. A.A. Petrukovich (SRI, Moscow)
Dr. V.А. Pilipenko (IPE RAS, Moscow)
Dr. V.S. Semenov (St Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg)
Dr. V.A. Sergeev (St Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg)
Dr. E.V. Rozanov (Davos World Radiation Centre, Davos, Switzerland)
Organizing committee:
Dr. Andrey Demekhov (Chairman)
Dr. Andris Lubchich
Dr. Irina Despirak
Dr. Boris Gvozdevsky
Dr. Konstantin Orlov
Tatyana Popova
Pavel Setsko